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Convinced most job postings are an excuse for TFW (temp foreign work permit)

I’ve been interviewing for months. I recently had an interview at a big Canadian bank in person. The entire floor was south Asian office workers. This was a final interview that lasted only 30 minutes. I was overqualified for this position and the questions the hiring manager asked were weak and kind of ridiculous like where would you want to live if you could live anywhere. No hard questions about my skills or how they apply to the job. He asked like 4 easy questions then asked if I had questions. I asked thoughtful questions about the role because it seemed really vague based on what he told me so far after 2 interviews with him. I explained how my skills align well with what the role was and he seemed to agree I was a good fit. His demeanour seemed like he was just doing this because he had to, not because he was interested in hiring someone for his team.
我已经面试几个月了。我最近在一家加拿大大银行亲自接受了面试。整个楼层都是南亚裔上班族。这是最后一次采访,只持续了 30 分钟。我对于这个职位的资历过高,招聘经理提出的问题很弱而且有点荒谬,比如如果你可以住在任何地方,你想住在哪里。没有关于我的技能或这些技能如何应用于工作的尖锐问题。他问了 4 个简单的问题,然后问我是否有问题。我问了一些关于这个角色的深思熟虑的问题,因为根据他在两次采访后到目前为止告诉我的内容,这个角色看起来真的很模糊。我解释了我的技能如何与这个角色相匹配,他似乎也同意我很适合。他的举止似乎只是因为他不得不这样做,而不是因为他有兴趣为他的团队雇用某人。

That was 3 weeks ago and I emailed the recruiter now. He said they went with someone else who was more qualified but I have a feeling that they’re doing these BS interviews to have an excuse to use the L MIA and get a TFW.
那是三周前的事,我现在给招聘人员发了电子邮件。他说他们和其他更有资格的人一起去了,但我有一种感觉,他们正在进行这些 BS 面试,以便有借口使用 L MIA 并获得 TFW。

Usually I check LinkedIn to see who got the job, after months of interviewing at different companies and making it to final stages, I have yet to see anyone post on LinkedIn that they actually got the job. Seeing 100s of people applying to roles and then no one posting they’re starting in that position is so odd.

EDIT: Been accused of rage baiting which is not true. I posted my personal experience. If you work in the professional service world or any major industry you know the importance of LinkedIn. Not seeing a single person posting they got the job out of 25 jobs is quite unusual, especially after several months. You can easily search LinkedIn posts to see updates from users when they start a new job.
编辑:被指控以愤怒为诱饵,这是不正确的。我发布了我的个人经历。如果您在专业服务领域或任何主要行业工作,您就会知道 LinkedIn 的重要性。没有看到一个人发布他们从 25 个职位中找到这份工作的信息,这是很不寻常的,尤其是在几个月之后。您可以轻松搜索 LinkedIn 帖子,以查看用户开始新工作时的更新。

As for the L MIAs, I have interviewed with companies found on this list for roles that match their vague descriptions.
至于 L MIA,我采访了在此列表中找到的与其模糊描述相匹配的职位的公司。

Look at the map for yourself : https://lmiamap.ca
自己看看地图: https://lmiamap.ca

Clearly the government has something suspicious going on with regards to the TFW program:
显然,政府对 TFW 计划有些可疑:


And for those who will inevitably say something about TFW and L MIAs not being the same out of ignorance, An L MIA is a document that Canadian employers must obtain from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) before they hire a temporary foreign worker (TFW)!
对于那些不可避免地会因为无知而说 TFW 和 L MIA 不一样的人来说,L MIA 是加拿大雇主在雇用临时外籍工人 (TFW) 之前必须从加拿大就业和社会发展部 (ESDC) 获得的文件。 )!

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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 转贴翻译:确信大多数招聘信息都是临时外劳工签的借口

    Convinced most job postings are an excuse for TFW (temp foreign work permit)

    I’ve been interviewing for months. I recently had an interview at a big Canadian bank in person. The entire floor was south Asian office workers. This was a final interview that lasted only 30 minutes. I was overqualified for this position and the questions the hiring manager asked were weak and kind of ridiculous like where would you want to live if you could live anywhere. No hard questions about my skills or how they apply to the job. He asked like 4 easy questions then asked if I had questions. I asked thoughtful questions about the role because it seemed really vague based on what he told me so far after 2 interviews with him. I explained how my skills align well with what the role was and he seemed to agree I was a good fit. His demeanour seemed like he was just doing this because he had to, not because he was interested in hiring someone for his team.
    我已经面试几个月了。我最近在一家加拿大大银行亲自接受了面试。整个楼层都是南亚裔上班族。这是最后一次采访,只持续了 30 分钟。我对于这个职位的资历过高,招聘经理提出的问题很弱而且有点荒谬,比如如果你可以住在任何地方,你想住在哪里。没有关于我的技能或这些技能如何应用于工作的尖锐问题。他问了 4 个简单的问题,然后问我是否有问题。我问了一些关于这个角色的深思熟虑的问题,因为根据他在两次采访后到目前为止告诉我的内容,这个角色看起来真的很模糊。我解释了我的技能如何与这个角色相匹配,他似乎也同意我很适合。他的举止似乎只是因为他不得不这样做,而不是因为他有兴趣为他的团队雇用某人。

    That was 3 weeks ago and I emailed the recruiter now. He said they went with someone else who was more qualified but I have a feeling that they’re doing these BS interviews to have an excuse to use the L MIA and get a TFW.
    那是三周前的事,我现在给招聘人员发了电子邮件。他说他们和其他更有资格的人一起去了,但我有一种感觉,他们正在进行这些 BS 面试,以便有借口使用 L MIA 并获得 TFW。

    Usually I check LinkedIn to see who got the job, after months of interviewing at different companies and making it to final stages, I have yet to see anyone post on LinkedIn that they actually got the job. Seeing 100s of people applying to roles and then no one posting they’re starting in that position is so odd.

    EDIT: Been accused of rage baiting which is not true. I posted my personal experience. If you work in the professional service world or any major industry you know the importance of LinkedIn. Not seeing a single person posting they got the job out of 25 jobs is quite unusual, especially after several months. You can easily search LinkedIn posts to see updates from users when they start a new job.
    编辑:被指控以愤怒为诱饵,这是不正确的。我发布了我的个人经历。如果您在专业服务领域或任何主要行业工作,您就会知道 LinkedIn 的重要性。没有看到一个人发布他们从 25 个职位中找到这份工作的信息,这是很不寻常的,尤其是在几个月之后。您可以轻松搜索 LinkedIn 帖子,以查看用户开始新工作时的更新。

    As for the L MIAs, I have interviewed with companies found on this list for roles that match their vague descriptions.
    至于 L MIA,我采访了在此列表中找到的与其模糊描述相匹配的职位的公司。

    Look at the map for yourself : https://lmiamap.ca
    自己看看地图: https://lmiamap.ca

    Clearly the government has something suspicious going on with regards to the TFW program:
    显然,政府对 TFW 计划有些可疑:


    And for those who will inevitably say something about TFW and L MIAs not being the same out of ignorance, An L MIA is a document that Canadian employers must obtain from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) before they hire a temporary foreign worker (TFW)!
    对于那些不可避免地会因为无知而说 TFW 和 L MIA 不一样的人来说,L MIA 是加拿大雇主在雇用临时外籍工人 (TFW) 之前必须从加拿大就业和社会发展部 (ESDC) 获得的文件。 )!

    • 很多华娃也在队里。奇怪的是,肉联没有家长抱怨娃在家闲置――― 万锦Markville商场挤爆了:数百人蜿蜒排队绕N圈!大批华人出动



      在一个平常的工作日,万锦华人区Markville Mall商场内竟然出现了人山人海的场面,堪比黑五和圣诞节打折季的盛况!然而,这一次不是为了什么泼天的羊毛,而是抢工作!

      社交媒体上流传的视频显示,昨天(10月3日),Markville Mall优衣库门店前,乌泱泱全是人人人人人!










      事实上,这样的求职盛况发生在大多伦多地区的大街小巷......在过去一年里,安省其他被挤爆的招聘会包括CNE、麦当劳、Bath & Body Works、Garage、Dufferin Mall、LCBO、Fortinos、皮尔逊机场等等。
