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Once Upon a Place - 听闻远方有你

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This is the corner I pass by everyday, several times a day in many years to be precise. There was a girl now in another life, once stood right at this place, telling me she was here and she could feel me walking by.

I missed her on that day and I couldn’t stop missing her. The pain is eating me alive that I cannot take anymore. I took a trip down there today, took a few photos at the very same place she was at. I could see marks she left, I could smell her, I could tell she was here.




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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / Once Upon a Place - 听闻远方有你 +7

    Download this audio file

    This is the corner I pass by everyday, several times a day in many years to be precise. There was a girl now in another life, once stood right at this place, telling me she was here and she could feel me walking by.

    I missed her on that day and I couldn’t stop missing her. The pain is eating me alive that I cannot take anymore. I took a trip down there today, took a few photos at the very same place she was at. I could see marks she left, I could smell her, I could tell she was here.




    • 这个牛,👍+1
    • 夜半歌声?让歌神来陪你唱:“…遥远的她,仿佛借风声跟我话。热情若冇变,哪管它沧桑变化……遥远的她,不可以再归家,我在梦里却始终只有她。遥远的她,可知我心中的说话?” +1

    • 🤫希望时间能够抚平一切创伤🙏
    • 这么深沉的感情?!放手去寻找吧,别蹉跎了岁月之后再遗憾。
    • 大才子啊! +1
    • 欧罗总有这么多故事,细说来听听?这歌越听越有感觉,情深不寿啊 +4
      • 同排队等听故事 +1
    • 情深意切,伤感温暖。文字和歌声都让人动容。穿越时空,你和她站在同一个街头,吹过彼此吹过的风,走过彼此走过的路。风儿轻轻地吹,把你们的牵挂和思念都传给了对方。 +1
    • 来加拿大就找到一份工作在城里,不对是部门整个搬家到King West。每天从地铁站走到地上,感觉像缺水的鱼。无法享受城里的时光。这歌和这文很搭👍
      • 看成Key West了…
        • 你没在多伦多downtown 混过😎
          • 晓影总在多伦多downtown 有木有过难以忘怀的回忆呀?